Norcross morphx
Norcross morphx

norcross morphx

Twenty adults (Mage = 25.7 ± 4.9) and 16 youth (Mage = 14.1 ± 1.7) completed two conditioning and extinction recall paradigms: one social and one nonsocial paradigm. The present study assessed youth and adults’ multivoxel neural representations of social versus nonsocial threat stimuli. This pattern of SCR-BOLD coupling may reflect selective difficulty tracking safety in a temperamentally at-risk population.įew studies have examined threat generalization across development and no developmental studies have compared the generalization of social versus nonsocial threat, making it difficult to identify contextual factors that contribute to threat learning across development. These interactions occurred in three main brain areas: the anterior insular cortex (AIC), the anterior subdivision of the medial cingulate cortex (aMCC), and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). SR and attention focus impacted associations between trial-by-trial variation in autonomic responding and in brain activation. Specifically, childhood SR was associated with a distinct pattern of hemodynamic-autonomic covariation in the brain when recalling extinguished threat and safety cues.

norcross morphx

Whereas self-report and psychophysiological measures of differential conditioning, extinction, and extinction recall were largely similar across participants, SR-related differences in brain function emerged during extinction recall. Three weeks after undergoing fear conditioning and extinction, participants completed a functional magnetic resonance imaging extinction recall task assessing memory and threat differentiation for conditioned stimuli. We compared brain function and behavior during extinction recall in a sample of 11-to-15-year-old children characterized in early childhood on a continuum of SR. Threat circuit function may develop differently for children high on SR than low on SR. Social Reticence (SR) is a temperament construct identified in early childhood that is expressed as shy, anxiously avoidant behavior and, particularly when stable, robustly associated with risk for anxiety disorders.

Norcross morphx